Vice Principal
Sceptre College
For any educational institution to be able to achieve all-round excellence,
Sceptre College is dedicated to fostering a culture of learning, leading to enlightenment. We believe that we learn best in a harmonious environment which can only come about through an attitude of mutual respect and understanding. We have devised a simple code of conduct and encourage our students to conform to it, whether it is following the uniform code or being punctual and regular for classes or carrying and scanning their college ID cards wherever required.
A team of officials has been assembled to make sure students follow our set guidelines when coming into college. Carrying the College ID cards when entering the campus is VERY IMPORTANT. This ID card is vital for the student as these cards are scanned as soon as students enter the college gates and when they leave. A parent receives a message letting them know when their child entered and left the campus. This ID card is also scanned to mark the attendance of the student in the classroom and when the student uses the common rooms. This helps the attendants to make sure the student is not bunking classes and to ensure the student leaves in time for the next class.
This team monitors the students attendance in college and in their classes as well. Parents will receive a message if a student is found bunking a class. If a student is persistently absent from classes, parents will receive a call from the College.
If a student has not attended classes due to ill health, a medical note will be required.
If a student needs to leave during college hours for personal work, a written note will be required. On receipt of that note a confirmation call to the parents may be made by the College.
Coming to College in the correct uniform is very important as it shows cohesion and uniformity. Our team will check to see if students are in the correct attire. After repeated reminders, if the student still persists in breaking this rule, the official may send the student home and inform the parents.
We have talked of mutual respect for all who are part of the Sceptre team whether student or staff. Use of inappropriate language or any kind of physical or verbal intimidation will be dealt with very seriously. Use of any contraband substance or being in the company of someone using it on campus will result in an expulsion.
Random checks of bags may be carried out as and when the College may deem necessary. This check assists us in keeping our students safe from undesirable items which may be brought in by certain students. Any student caught in possession of contraband material WILL be expelled.
The following of this code only reinforces qualities and habits which will stand the student in good stead in their personal and professional lives.
We encourage all our students and their parents to review the code given in the handbook and truly embrace the spirit in which these guidelines have been laid down. Please remember we are all on the same side-and that is the side of the student.